

Friday, September 12, 2014

Starting My Etsy Business - Creating My Name and Workstation

Today is the first day of my Etsy business and I have decided to track my progress to help others who are thinking about getting started selling homemade crafts on Etsy.  If you follow this blog you will get a detailed look into my experiences starting an Etsy store from scratch. Let's get started!

Day 1: Step 1 - Creating an Etsy Name

Creating an Etsy name was much harder than I thought it was going to be.  I found it challenging to come up with a name that would be easy for customers to remember, relevantly explain the types of products that I plan to sell, and have some personal meaning.  A lot of the names that I came up with were already taken! My name is Lauren, and my initials spell LAMP. I tried as many combinations of my name, my initials, and product descriptors as I could think of, but they were all already taken. Finally I settled on PearTreeStitches. I was married 6-months ago, and the newest addition to my last name means "Pear Tree" in Portuguese. It seemed fitting that my new name would be a big part of my new business.

Day 1: Step 2 - Creating my Work Station

My sewing equipment used to live on the top shelf of my closet. Unfortunately, this resulted in a lot of procrastination because when my projects were otherwise quick and easy, the idea of lugging my heavy Pfaff sewing machine out of my bedroom closet and onto the kitchen table was usually more daunting than the project itself.

To solve this problem, I set up a folding table in a bright corner of my 4 season-porch.  I made sure that my work station faces out towards a window so that I could enjoy as much sunlight as possible. I set up a basket with all of my sewing essentials on the table, and I repurposed a nearby bookshelf to store my less frequently used tools. My entire goal when creating this set-up was to reduce my own excuses! With everything set-up and ready to go in a brightly-lit room, I have no reason to avoid sitting down and sewing for an hour a day!

I am now the proud owner of an (empty) Etsy store and my own little workstation! Now it's time to start sewing so that I can fill my store with inventory! 

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